Wormington Parish Risk Analysis

Published on 16/11/2023

No Property Risk Posed to Property Action Required to Minimise Risk Frequency of Checks
1 Wormington Village Green Injury crossing uneven ground Keep mown
Other maintenance or repair as necessary
Bi Monthly
2 Tree on Wormington Village Green Injury or property damage by falling branches Tree surgery as required Bi Monthly
3 Bench around tree Injury to public or property by falling branches and/or damage to bench slats Maintenance and repair as necessary Bi Monthly
4 Open Space Injury to public or property damage on uneven ground, from hedges or falling branches

Tree surgery, hedge trimming as required.
Keep grass mown

Bi Monthly
5 Open Space Injury to public or property damage at events organised on the Open Space    
6 2 Notice Boards Injury to the public caused by splinters or broken glass Maintenance and repair as necessary Bi Monthly
7 Wormington Bridge Injury or property damage caused by decaying masonary Maintenance and repair as necessary Bi Monthly
8 Defibrillator Injury or failure to operate correctly Monthly checks, reporting any issues to CHT Monthly
9 Speed Activity Signs Possible defects and risk of theft Check to maintain in working order and correctly fitted Bi Monthly
10 Grit Bins, Grit spreaders and Stock of Grit Theft, not replaced not being available when required Check and maintain adequate level of grit Bi Monthly
11 Sharp turn Main Street by Corner Cottage for other road users and pedestrians Injury and property damage

Warning road signs are in place. Monitor any issues and report to Highways department.

Joseph cut hedge 01/06/2023

Bi Monthly